ISA Sign Expo 2017: Powered by Nova Polymers

The International Sign Association (ISA) Sign Expo has been among the most advanced conferences and tradeshow in the country for its use of technology to drive people to its various events including seminar lectures and networking and educational events for designers and students. The myriad of opportunities for connection and education has made it the most successful sign conference in the world. All of these programs are driven by an innovative mobile phone application, which has been sponsored and supported by Nova Polymers for the last three years. Sara Spangler, who has been the primary person at ISA responsible for the development of the app, is excited about how this year’s app has come together through the culmination of the hard work and feedback from the last few years. "This is the third year we have been developing the app and we have made significant advancements. It is now a planning tool that can map navigation from booth to booth and session to session. You can also star exhibitors and highlight specific groups at your fingertips. We are also continuing attendee favorites like the networking tools and the ability to contact attendees about meeting up at specific sections."
Sign Expo 2017

Sign Expo 2017

The app has changed the way conference visitors look at the show. Attendees are now more receptive to attending the wide variety of events, that before were not easily understood. In addition, this has become an incredible planning tool; allowing attendees to create their own narrative based on what they want to see.

Allison Kent, who manages education for ISA, has seen the app make their events more successful. “The app has been great for supporting our programs with the calendar that includes reminders of upcoming sessions. In an effort to be eco-friendly, we make everything available digitally through the app rather than printing off hard copies of fliers. Another strong feature is the ability to track upcoming floor sessions which have been very popular with attendees with adjustable schedules.

Nova Polymers has supported the app since the beginning and has made sure that their own booth fits into the exciting activities of the show.

The ISA Sign Expo is from April 19 to 22. Come Visit Nova Polymers at Booth #2239. And don’t forget to pay a few of our Preferred Fabricators a visit!

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