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Join Our Community – Nova Polymers, Inc. is the global leader in the development of materials and processing equipment for the fabrication of Accessible and ADA compliant signage. With a focus on education and the continued development of innovative materials that meet international accessibility guidelines, we continue to lead the sign industry and help people with visual disabilities navigate the built environment.

At Nova, we believe that signage – specifically wayfinding signage for those with visual disabilities – is not simply an element that is added to design. We believe that signage is part of the design – part of the built environment.

Wayfinding signage for those with visual disabilities does not have to be something that presents itself as a visual pollutant. It’s something that should be incorporated into a facility’s overall design while addressing the needs of those with visual impairments.
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The New ADA

In March of 2012, the Department of Justice (DOJ) updated the ADA codes in the US for the first time in over 20 years making the 2010 Standard for Accessible Design (SAD) the law of the land. The new ADA added restriction relating to typography but countered that with a provision for variable message signage which expands design capabilities to better meet the demands of everyone.

As an AIA continuing education provider, we are able to collaborate with those architects and specifiers that are designing the built environments of tomorrow. The Accessibility courses we offer are designed to educate the design and fabrication industry on the new accessibility codes and how to use them to enhance the overall design and accessibility of a facility.

We deliver over 250 AIA continuing education programs every year – engaging with 1000’s of Architects and Designers. With each of these visits, comes the opportunity for Novacryl to be specified.

Industry Trends

The Novacryl Photopolymer Designer Series was developed to incorporate the very same materials and finishes that are being used as wall coverings, fabrics and organic panels in some of the world’s most exotic locations, local educational institutions, and healthcare facilities.

In many instances, Novacryl is much more than tactile wayfinding signage – sometimes, while meeting ADA base needs, we are embracing emerging technologies like QR codes and NFC (Near Field Communication) for assistive devices that take ADA signage to a completely new level.

The Future

Over the last 20 years, all public facilities in the US have become accessible to those with all disabilities. Signage has and will continue to play an integral role in accessibility allowing people to navigate the built environment. This trend is expanding globally into Canada the Middle East, Australia and beyond.

Our community of Preferred Fabricators allows us to educate our industry and provide the best quality accessible signage in the world. As technology continues to evolve and commercial building expands globally, the need to understand how to navigate people through the built environment with accessibility signage will be in continued demand.

When you work with Nova Polymers you are not simply working with one company – you are working with a network of Property Owners, Architects, Designers, Fabricators and a material manufacturer that are always finding new ways to lead our industry.


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